Who We Are

Regain Financial Control

BureauFix is a Canadian-based debt purchasing group.  It is funded through UK-based financial institutions.  The business operates entirely through its regulated Canadian collection partners.

Who we are

Meet our team

BureauFix specializes in direct or tertiary financial asset-based acquisitions, primarily in the short-term credit and telco markets. It’s ethos, displayed through its collection’s partners, is to assist credit bureau rehabilitation of distressed debts.

Neil Petty

Neil is an accomplished debt buyer and lending principal. In 1997 he founded UK-based Lantern Debt Recovery. As well as purchasing over £2bn of distressed debt, Neil led Lantern to become the first FCA-accredited debt purchase company to operate in the sensitive high cost short term space. Neil sold his majority stake in Lantern Debt Recovery in 2017 but retains a major shareholding. He has since focused on his role as a lending principal in Bloomsmith, a unique VAT Lending Business. He now brings industry expertise and a wealth of knowledge and contacts to BureauFix.

Matt Miller

Private Equity Specialist Matt is well-respected in the financial markets and worked for more than 20 years in Banking, Mergers and Acquisitions at Merrill Lynch Bank of America and was responsible for multiple fundraising operations for UK-based blue-chip companies. He’s used his expertise to acquire various companies, successfully enhancing their profitability, improving their management and orchestrating buy-outs for each one. His first interaction with debt purchase was engineering a substantial facility for Neil Petty, enabling Neil’s business to grow and flourish. He’s now partnered with Neil as a consultant for BureauFix, focused on the outstanding opportunity in Canada.

How to get in touch

Contact us

If you would like to contact us, please use one of the options below or fill out the contact form and we will get in touch as soon as possible.

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